
Future of Smart Commerce

In the last decade, the commerce industry has witnessed a lot of advancements, especially in fulfilment and distribution areas. We will continue to see more changes and adaptations of newer technologies as we move forward. The scope of advancements depends upon the market challenges and the precedent set by commerce giants like Amazon. The future of smart commerce is promising, and its application is worldwide. According to an estimation, nearly 25% of the global population will browse through commerce stores by 2023. Business owners and marketing leaders see potential in smart commerce to outshine their competitors. What is Smart Ecommerce? The retail sector is constantly changing, and the pandemic forced brick-and-mortar stores and retailers to take their business online. Our world is more connected than ever before, and retailers need to evolve if they don't want to be left behind.    Deloitte launched its Smart commerce model to help organisations improve their busine...

AI-based Voice Assistant, their need, and how Deloitte is marking its territory here

  Custom AI-based voice assistant & solution . The ultimate luxury has an assistant who always listens for your call and acts when appropriate. Artificial intelligence assistants, often known as voice assistants, have made that luxury a reality. Voice assistants are small and can execute a range of tasks after hearing a wake phrase or command. They can answer questions, turn on lights, play music, and place online orders, among other things. Voice assistants should not be confused with virtual assistants, who operate remotely and can undertake a wide range of activities. Voice assistants, in contrast, are technological in nature. Voice assistants' utility in personal and business sectors will expand as they become more robust. What Exactly Is a Voice Assistant? It is nearly impossible to call any technology that makes our life easier by a single name. Several names relate to agents that can do activities or provide services for another person, and they are nearly interchangeabl...

Healthcare Sector in India

Healthcare as an industry in India has seen exponential growth over the past years. The same is affected by factors like increased life quality, demographics, and public awareness for proper medical care. However, the sector's growth is limited because of its reach, cost, and quality. Therefore, it is the need of the hour for the healthcare sector to focus on the three lags to make a global impact outside its archived efforts to combat the same. India's healthcare sector must also keep in mind that it is growing competition and must choose a stable industry path. Make in India Initiative The Government of India has undertaken several steps to mitigate the challenges faced by the healthcare sector. Bills, increasing foreign direct investments, and the biggest "Make in India" initiative plays a crucial role in getting India on track. The start-up, "Make in India," was implemented to adopt manufacturing in indigenous locations to increase affordability and acce...

Deloitte Discussion: What can the TMT Sector Expect from the Budget 2021

India is one of the fastest-growing digital markets in the world, and the pandemic has propelled the sector forward. With the upcoming Union Budget of 2021, it is expected that the government may implement favourable policies to support Digital India. This sector requires investments to improve provisions, policies, and infrastructure. Budget 2021 expectations from TMT are as stated below-   Technology Sector Here are the key budget expectations for the technology sector Direct Tax ●      Digital Tax - The Equalisation Levy (EQL) provisions, introduced on 1st April 2020, have various ambiguities including the definition of ‘digital facility’ and applicability of intra-group services. It is hoped that the government will provide clarifications for these ambiguities. Significant Economic Provisions (SEP) will be applicable from 1st April 2021. It is expected that there will be an overlap in both provisions. The government should clarify the expected...

Enterprise-wide FRM Framework to Identify and Mitigate Frauds

Deloitte India’s fourth edition of the India Corporate Fraud Perception Survey aims at understanding the leadership perceptions around corporate fraud in the disruptive environment. According to the Corporate Fraud Survey India 2020 , organisations must invest in an enterprise-wide fraud risk management framework and use enhanced tools with a scalable and customised interface. Mitigation of frauds in India has been undertaken by organisations through surprise audits and checks on random samples. As data is now stored in IT systems, Indian organisations are moving towards a framework that uses technology to detect and mitigate fraud at earlier stages. Organisations must adopt advanced technologies for data visualization, statistical mining, text mining, and voice searching concepts to achieve a successful FRM framework. To run rule- and AI-based analytics to detect any discrepancies in transaction monitoring, organisations require an interface that integrates data from all complex syst...

Deloitte’s Strategy Consulting Services Help Clients to Achieve Major Breakthrough in Business

   At Deloitte, experts serve as trusted advisers, helping their clients achieve breakthrough value by developing integrated strategies to win in their chosen markets. They architect data driven programmes that transform our clients’ businesses. The three important services or tools that help in achieving the success are:  Strategy & Business Design The team works with chief executives and their teams to catalyze enterprise-wide, strategy-led transformation to realize full business value, leveraging deep perspectives about customers, technology evolution and disruption, sector-blurring ecosystems, and changing sources of competitive advantage. The experts work alongside clients to create effective corporate and business unit strategies and secure alignment across the enterprise. When senior executives face conflicting mandates of developing long-term strategies while delivering short-term results, the team work together to design and deliver integrated and accelerated...

Deloitte India Dispute Advisory Services

A dispute in business is always a possibility. With growing up, businesses may find themselves in a position to tackle the hindrances a dispute can bring. Deloitte ensures a helping hand in such situations. Working closely with the organizations and their lawyers, and finding a resolution by providing crucial evidence to jurisdiction can strengthen the case. Deloitte offers help in two ways, Anti Trust services; and Litigation and Dispute advisory support which can provide help in time. With the continuous and consistent changes in the aggressive enforce strategies and economic landscape, it is also important for a business to protect and take care of the enforcements a market can bring. Anti Trust Services The Anti Trust Services gather data and evidence in a limited time frame whereas Deloitte’s tools collect, process, and host data which can later help in identifying the dispute. It also performs economic analysis and understands the dominance and power of the players i...